ANZAC 3 DAY Open Pairs (Day 3)
Kandanga Country Club 4 Bowling Club Road, Kandanga, QLD, AustraliaSunday 27th of April
Entry Fee $60 per team
Lunch and nibbles are included in the event price
3 games to end or bell
Sunday 27th of April
Entry Fee $60 per team
Lunch and nibbles are included in the event price
3 games to end or bell
Thursday 1st of May
Entry Fee $22 per person
Morning tea, lunch, and jackpot are included in the event price
2 games of 1 hour and 30 minutes
Ticket Price $120 per person
Event starts at 6:16pm
A fine dining Experience featuring Thistle in the Woods.
Gourmay 7 courses and 7 wines are included price.
Thursday 22 & Friday 23 May 2025
Entry Fee $160 per Team
Morning tea, lunch, and nibbles are included in the event price
5 games over 2 days
Sunday 1st of June
Entry Fee $160 per team
Breakfast, Roast Pork lunch and nibbles are included in the event price
4 games of 1 hour and 35 minutes
Thursday 5th of June
Entry Fee $22 per person
Morning tea, lunch, and jackpot are included in the event price
2 games of 1 hour and 30 minutes